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Minor Threat - 'Out of Step'


Updated: Nov 16, 2020

Album: Out of Step

Artist: Minor Threat

Release Date: April 1983

Genre: Hardcore Punk

Length: 0:21:36

Label: Dischord Records

Producer: Don Zientara/Minor Threat

1,001 Album Book: Yes

A frustration-inducing power-controlling record of ANGER...

Out of Step is the only full studio album by punk group Minor Threat. The record serves as a building block for a lot of alternative rock music such as grunge, thrash metal and 90's punk.

Agitated drum beats, especially with the kick drum, and the distorted electric guitar chords with complex melodic ideas, are all punk ideologies Minor Threat presents on a silver platter for the world to hear in Out of Step. The opening song "Betray", and the second track "It Follows" show off the talent of the group and their ability to bring forth another dynamic to the punk world. While punk music was dominated by groups like The Ramones, and The Clash, this style of punk was a new sound for the entire world of punk rockers.

The intensity thrown around throughout the record is worthy of the lyrics, discussing things such as youth anger, relationship issues with friends, and other ideas that adolescent teens connect with, helped boost a movement called youth crew. This movement of punk music is all about self-issues and growing up without the use of substances; a more positive look on life through hectic music.

The distraught style of Minor Threat is perfectly meshed with shockingly melodic instrumental parts, specifically in the bass guitar. The song "Think Again" features a bass guitar solo, which has now become a staple in future punk albums, but at the time it was unique and innovative.

One thing a lot of people say about punk is that everything sounds the same. While Out of Step features a lot of similar sounds, the arrangement of each track is vastly different from the others. The song "Look Back & Laugh" shows off the notorious frantic punk sound but also changes up the predictability with a small break in the instruments. "Sob Story" features an almost xylophone-like sound between the chorus and verses. The list could go on with the interesting sounds and features within the album that keep Minor Threat exciting to listen to across the 21 minute playtime.

The only sense of stability throughout, and rare change ups is the vocal quality of singer Ian MacKaye. Across the entire record, the "singing" (if you can even call it that) is the classic punk-like, mosh pit-inducing, angered screaming. While this does serve the album flawlessly and it wouldn't be as entertaining to listen to without his enunciating voice, it does become difficult to listen to at large doses. It's hard to not become angry, even if your day was full of frolicking through a meadow of daisies.

This album is a hesitant recommendation from me. While I do enjoy punk, I know this style of punk rock could turn a lot of people off. The heaviness, the anger and the emotion poured into each note, chord and beat is a very divisive aspect of this genre. If you have had a bad day, got fired from your job, lost your cat, tested positive for COVID-19 or anything you can be sad/mad about, this album is a perfect compliment to bask in your emotions. I would recommend never listening to this album until something brings you down again...

Favorite Songs: "It Follows", "Think Again", "Sob Story"

Least Favorite Songs: "Out of Step"

Production Quality:

  • Mix = 7/10

  • Innovation = 9.5/10 (Influenced multiple artist's and helped pave the way for future punk rock)

Songwriting Quality:

  • Arrangement = 4.5/10

  • Lyricism = 7.5/10

Instrumentation Quality:

  • Vocal Timbre = 3.5/10

  • Instrumental Timbre = 5/10

  • Group Chemistry = 8/10

Overall Likability:

  • My Personal Rating = 5.5/10

Overall Rating: 6.3/10

Any confusion on how the rating is weighted/calculated, please look at my "About" page.

Remember this is all my opinion! Let me know if you agree, disagree or have any comments!


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